Wright Brothers Contracting is committed to our Safety, long before the phrase “Safety Culture” became a popular buzzword. We set the foundations for our safety culture long ago by providing training, being compliant, and having a safe workplace for our workers and others. We believe that everyone is part of a safe environment and that a real safety cultures requires participation, not just words, to demonstrate true commitment.
Creating a safe work environment is an integral part of Wright Brothers’ culture and one of our organization’s guiding principles. We make a conscious commitment to never compromise the health and safety of our people. This means all of our employees receive in-depth training on critical safety topics from our Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers. Every piece of training and education we give our teams contributes to the ultimate success: seeing every team member returns home safely each day.
We will always strive to attain a zero incident goal through training, education, and implementation of our safety policies. Our policies are outlined in our safety manuals and are developed through years of practical construction experience, coupled with the standards and guidelines set by OSHA and MSHA.
But more importantly, we want everyone to go home at the end of day better than they arrived on the job site that morning.

Part of the VEST Safety Initiative Process, a Continuous Improvement Team made of frontline workers (pictured) from each of our subsidiaries gathers at our home office in Charleston, Tenn.